January 2025 newsletter to constituents
This is my first newsletter of 2025 and my first full year as your MP. Please see below for some local news and an update on my work as your MP. I look forward to working for our part of Sussex this year.
Don’t Cancel May 2025 Local Elections
My UK-EU Youth Mobility Bill
Over 2,000 Oppose Proposed Booking System for Tips
Newhaven Traffic Crisis
Supporting the Environment in Westminster: The Climate and Nature Bill and The Sunshine Bill
Lewes District Local Plan
Support for Communities With Housing Growth
National Insurance Contribution Rise
Local Visits
Getting in Touch
Don’t Cancel May 2025 Local Elections: sign our petition [back to top]
The Labour government is pushing ahead with a major restructuring of local councils, including getting rid of all district councils and introducing “strategic authorities with mayors” covering large areas. As part of the provisions for this reorganisation, the Labour government's devolution and local government plans may lead to the postponement of local elections in certain areas that have made progress with reorganisation.
Despite very limited progress in Sussex, other than an expression of interest from the County Councils and Brighton’s council, the Tories running a minority administration on East Sussex County Council are suggesting that we should cancel May’s elections.
I am strongly opposed to the Conservative-led East Sussex County Council’s proposal to delay the May 2025 local elections, which would deny residents the right to hold the Council accountable after years of Conservative mismanagement. Delaying the local elections silences our voices and undermines public trust while allowing a failing and unpopular administration to cling to power by the slimmest of margins, potentially for an extra one to three years while the new authority is formed.
With so much uncertainty regarding the final arrangements, canceling the elections would be an undemocratic move. We need to hold the Council accountable for its failings, and I urge you to sign our petition calling on the Labour Minister for Local Government to ensure that the elections go ahead, protecting democracy and giving residents the voice we deserve.
My UK-EU Youth Mobility Bill [back to top]
I introduced a bill in Parliament to improve youth mobility in Europe. The Bill calls for an expanded Youth Mobility Scheme between the UK and EU, aiming to restore the rights to live, work, and move freely throughout Europe. I strongly believe that we need to restore and improve opportunities for young people to live and work in Europe. I’m pleased to say the Bill passed, which means it moves on to a second reading.
As part of a ‘10 Minute Rule Bill,’ I was able to introduce the bill with a ten-minute speech, which you can watch below.
Lib Dem MP introduces EU Youth Mobility Bill to Parliament
And you'll find edited highlights on Tiktok.

Over 2,000 Oppose Proposed Booking System for Tips [back to top]
Over 2,000 residents have now signed our petition opposing the proposed booking system for recycling sites. I am strongly against this unnecessary change, which risks making waste disposal less accessible and more complex, especially for residents without internet access or those with urgent needs. In other areas, booking systems for local tips have proven very unpopular, and I am concerned that this may increase fly-tipping throughout our constituency.
Newhaven Traffic Crisis [back to top]
I have spoken out about worsening traffic congestion in Newhaven town centre on the A259, which is affecting local businesses and residents. The congestion in Newhaven is now a daily issue, restricting business growth and negatively impacting residents' quality of life and air quality.
Newhaven is a key transport hub where the A259 and A26 meet, with bus routes and a port with daily ferry crossings to France. There is no simple solution to this traffic crisis on the A259. However, the Department for Transport may not even fund the moderate improvements proposed in a recent study. This crisis in Newhaven needs to be addressed urgently, and I am writing to the County Council and the Transport Minister to demand action.
Supporting the Environment in Westminster: The Climate and Nature Bill and The Sunshine Bill [back to top]
I am pleased to support two Private Members' Bills introduced by my Lib Dem colleagues: the Climate and Nature Bill, brought forward by Dr. Roz Savage MP, and Max Wilkinson MP’s Sunshine Bill. Tackling both climate change and biodiversity loss is essential to safeguarding our planet for future generations. The Climate and Nature Bill provides a framework for new UK laws addressing the climate and nature crises based on up-to-date science.
I also support the Sunshine Bill, which calls for developers to install solar energy generation equipment on new homes, saving both money and the planet.
Read more Dr Roz Savage MP’s Climate and Nature Bill here and Max Wilkinson MP’s Sunshine Bill here.
Lewes District Local Plan [back to top]
Lewes District Council is calling on residents to shape the future of our communities across the district by sharing their views in a first phase consultation on the emerging Local Plan. You have the opportunity to share your views and have your say in these developments. There are multiple consultation drop-in events during January and February and the online consultation is open until Friday 28th February. That page also contains information about the online and in person events.
Wealden District are also hoping to progress on their local plan, and will be opening up consultation.
Support for Communities With Housing Growth [back to top]
I recently raised concerns in Parliament about communities experiencing high levels of housing growth without the necessary infrastructure in place. I asked the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government what steps her Department is taking to support these communities.
I also called for discussions with Lewes District Council to address the impact of house-building targets in Ringmer. As housing targets continue to rise, I am particularly concerned about the pressure this puts on local services, roads, and amenities. I am pushing for a balanced approach that considers infrastructure needs to ensure our communities can thrive alongside new developments.
National Insurance Contribution Rise [back to top]
The proposed National Insurance rise has serious implications for individuals, businesses, and essential services. I recently spoke in the House of Commons to highlight the economic risks of this policy, particularly for sectors like healthcare and social care. For example, local GP practices in our area could face significant additional costs, with one practice estimating an increase of £60,000 a year. This threatens vital services and places further strain on our overstretched NHS.
I called for exemptions for groups such as GPs, dentists, and local councils, who cannot absorb these additional costs without cutting essential services. Social care providers, like St. Peter and St. James Hospice, are already under immense financial pressure, and this rise could push some to the brink. I will continue to press the government to reconsider this policy and protect the vital services our community depends on.
Local Visits [back to top]
I recently visited NIPPERS (Newhaven Inclusive Play Project Educational and Recreational Services), a charity run by a management committee of local volunteers. NIPPERS is a fantastic after-school and holiday club offering out-of-school childcare. We discussed wraparound care and the vital need for continued funding, which remains one of my priorities in Westminster.
I was able to visit Alfriston too with two fascinating venues: the Montessori nursery in the Chapter House and the historic Clergy House.
There have been plenty more great local visits in the last month, including the local Royal Mail sorting office ahead of Christmas.
Please get in touch if you would like to invite me to a local event or to see a local venue, school, business or group.

Getting in Contact [back to top]
Please send this email onto anyone locally who would like to stay up to date and ask them to sign up here: Sign up for email updates at Lewes Liberal Democrats.
I’m hosting regular surgeries across the constituency. To attend a surgery, please email James.maccleary.mp@parliament.uk with the subject line ‘Surgery request,’ including a brief description of your issue along with your full address to verify you are a constituent. Online surgery appointments are also available.
For casework queries, please email James.maccleary.mp@parliament.uk with your address so I can confirm you are a constituent. My office and staff team are working hard to respond to all queries.