Democracy denied as Nolands Farm development given green light by planning inspector

Cllr Rob Banks, Lib Dem District Councillor for Plumpton, said: "It is with huge anger that I heard that the Nolands Farm planning appeal has been allowed by the government's Planning Inspector for 86 houses. I spoke against this planning application both at Lewes District Council's Planning Committee last December (when the District Council's Planning Committee voted to refuse it) and I gave evidence against at the recent Public Inquiry alongside many other residents. Lewes District Council have said no to this twice and LDC's planning officer also recommended it should be refused.
"Hundreds of residents and Plumpton Parish Council have been clear in their opposition. It was not in the Neighbourhood Plan and Plumpton Green is already taking more than its fair share of new housing.
"It is extremely disappointing that local democracy has been ignored by a policy dreamt up by government ministers, using a national formula which favours the developers.
"Lewes District Council had a Local Plan which was up to date but the government changed the rules, affecting Lewes and many other councils. The District Council is developing a new Local Plan, but clarity from the Government over any planned changes would help with progress".