Tip booking system to be introduced despite overwhelming local opposition

East Sussex County Council’s decision on 24 February 2025 to impose a new booking system for Household Waste Recycling Sites is a direct slap in the face to local communities. Despite a Lib Dem petition garnering over 3,500 signatures and a public consultation with thousands of replies where 91% of respondents voiced their opposition, the Council has chosen to replace the reliable walk-in system with a bureaucratic online (or telephone) booking process.
The new system forces residents to reserve a half-hour slot before visiting their local recycling site—a change that not only risks increasing fly-tipping but also marginalises those without easy access to the internet. Instead of addressing congestion issues, the Council appears more focused on cutting costs than serving community needs.
James MacCleary, Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes, said: "This decision is nothing short of a slap in the face to local people who engaged in good faith with the consultation. The booking system is an unnecessary, inconvenient barrier that undermines a service which has reliably worked for East Sussex residents for years. The Council’s move shows a blatant disregard for the real needs of local people and shows the council won’t listen to people’s concerns. No wonder they pushed to have elections cancelled this May."
“With thousands of residents speaking out against this proposal, it’s unacceptable for the County Council to ignore the overwhelming response from residents that our current walk-in system is both effective and essential. We ask that the Council reverse this misguided decision and restore a user-friendly service that truly meets the needs of our community.”
The petition opposing the booking system can be viewed here: https://www.leweslibdems.org.uk/tipbooking.
The County Council’s report can be viewed here: Proposal for booking system at Household Waste Recycling Sites.pdf